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Re: Principalities

Poster: "Greg Lindahl" <lindahl@pbm.com>

> Lord Gregory is blunt:

Well, I did pick my name for a reason...

> > This may be an advantage to you and your group, but I suspect that
> > many current residents of shires disagree with you. People are
> > different, you know.
> > 
> Gregory, I live in a shire also, and the sentiments run about 35 in favor 
> to two.  I don't know what you mean by many, but 6% don't much cut it in 
> my book.

I can probably name a couple of Isenfir residents who agree with
you. I wasn't asserting that I had a majority view, just that I
disagree with you. I wasn't criticizing your group's move to go
Barony; I don't live there. I was criticizing the absolute tone you
took in your mention of advantages of being a barony.

> I know you do not think Isenfir should be a barony (you don't live there 
> anymore do you?) and I know you are against principalities.  However, the 
> fact that these things would make you unhappy does not mean the rest of 
> us can not come to a consensus upon them.

I am back in Isenfir again after living for 8 months in the Royal
Forest of Rusted Woodlands, which, oddly enough, is a large shire
which is discussing going Barony. The arguments I present here are
largely a result of listening in on their discussions. If you like,
someday I could show you numerous letters to the editor to the shire
newsletter, the Ferrugo.

> By the way, give everybody the web address to Duke Cariadoc's chapter on 
> the Establishment of Counties and Duchies in the SCA, please ;-).

Cariadoc's Miscellany may be found by going to www.sca.org, thence to
Arts and Sciences, and there's a link to the Miscellany in the middle,
under "Books / Article Indices / Publications".

Gregory Blount

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