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Poster: Will Ritchie <ritchie@freenet.tlh.fl.us>

On Sun, 13 Apr 1997, Christopher M Dawson wrote:
>  Please
> contact me as to why I am showing up as a junk mail source.

I don't know if you've been told why yet, but juno.com is a major source
of amateur spam - chain letters, christmail (HOW do you guys expect to
braing me to Jeezis by annoying me?), etc., by virtue of the anonymity of
the accounts.  Your _site_ may have been shut out by this listserver or
listserver site, and may have nothing to do with you personally.  You've
probably already been instated by now, but if not, don't take it
personally.  If you don't have a personal account through your server,
there are alternatives to juno.com out there - jump on a browser and check
out your options.

Wm. Ritchie

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