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Re: Our newest member of the OHC

Poster: "David H Ritterskamp"<dhritter@dpcmail.dukepower.com>

     Leifr Johansson, Principal of the OHC, writes:

Lord Jonathan, newest member of the OHC, wonders:

> [OK...I give up.  Is this a GOOD thing or a BAD thing?]

That depends on your viewpoint.  The ability to practice a certain
of self-deprecation is usually the result of a combination of a good sense
of humor and humility.  Since humility is undoubtably a virtue,
a good sense of humor an asset, then graceful acceptance of your membership
in the OHC is proof of both virtue and blessedness.

     [Ooh...he's GOOD.]

     [And I'd like to thank the Academy (snif) for this award (snif)...I'm
     sorry...I'm just OVERCOME...]

> [I also don't like the way this "opportune moment" thing sounds.
> study is clearly called for.]

Don't worry, about the only thing the OHC does is talk openly about
candidates for the OHC.  In this we are very unlike the other "royally
societally sanctioned" orders of the kingdom.  After all, since membership
in our order is hardly deseriable, pointing out to candidates their
imminent elevation often cures them of the practices for which they would
be eligable ;-).

In Service
Leifr Johansson, Principal of the OHC until we run Lord Jonathan down ;-).
        [That would be along the same lines of space heaters in Hades.]


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