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Re: Submissions (was coats of arms)

Poster: Tom Rettie <tom@his.com>

At 01:50 PM 4/16/97 -0500, Pedro de Alcazar wrote:

>It's got you, all right, but you've got the exact spelling wrong
>in your sig.. While this is certainly period practice (spelling
>being what it was even among the learned), it's a bother when
>you've got to match the name exactly.

It's the armorial that's got it wrong.  As was documented in my submission,
the use family names was not common practice in my period/location.  The
"mac" is a patronymic, I'm Findlaech, son of Alasdair.  Variations include
Finlaech, Finnlaech, and others.  The use of MacAlasdair or MacAllister as a
family name comes a good bit later.  

Perhaps the good heralds are better at the details now, but when my name was
passed, I was told that "MacAlasdair" was how it would be recorded, even
though that really wasn't my name.  Rather than argue the point, I yielded
to the bureaucrats for their recordkeeping purposes.  Of course, as my
personna as lately wandered toward later period and spiffier garb, maybe it
was just a foreshadowing.

Your servant,

Findlaech mac Alasdair

(but not of those good nobles known as MacAlasdair)

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