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Re: Tablet weaving info

Poster: Alys of Foxdale <foxdale@wolfstar.com>

> Poster: Corun MacAnndra <corun@access.digex.net>
> Corun greets the Merry Pranksters,
> I am looking for any books on tablet weaving. If Lady Tangwystl (did I
> put in the right number of a's Dafydd?) is online, I'm sure she could
> point me to the right source material.
> In service,
> Corun

Well, since I seem to have got here first, I'll give you the best
information I have.

First and foremost, _Techniques of Tabletweaving_ by Peter
Collingwood.  The original one is excellent but out of print; and a
revised edition just came out in paperback last summer.

Other good ones include _Card Weaving_ by Candace Crockett (now in
its third edition which comes boxed with 2 dozen starter cards), and
_Card Weaving_ by Ruth J. Katz.

   Alys of Foxdale        | Vert, on a fess between three trees
foxdale@wolfstar.com      |     argent, a fox passant gules.

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