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Re: Rose Source

Poster: viking@csra.net (Doug Munitz,Sven Olafssen,Maria Munitz,Giuseppina de'Materesi)

Elen writes,
>Yeah, I used rose petals in a quick mead a year and a half ago.  It was my
>first batch ever, and it really turned out to be very tasty, light, crisp
>but sweet.
>Now, where did you get your damask rose shrubs?  I need to start brewing
>still mead for my wedding (two years away) and I really, really want to use
>rose petals in the fermentation.  
>And if you really like rose-flavored stuff, may I recommend a Twinings
>tea... it's called rose pouchong and it's great stuff.
>Elen Prydydd
>who WILL plant an old-rose garden, once Einar buys us a house....

Dear Elen,
   Thanks for the tip on the tea.  My husband, Lord Sven, makes mead and
beer, so I'll pass on the tip with the rose petal mead.
    I sent an e-mail to the Merry Rose on the subject, called Medieval Rose
Source.  In case you didn't get it, log onto the WWW and info search
Medieval Roses.  It comes of an A&S crafts site called Medieval Arts and
Crafts Page or Ravensgard.  It also includes a good bibliography.
    At the end is an address for a rose catalog with these roses.  Send
$3.00 in Can. or US funds to:
Pickering Nurseries Inc.
670 Kingston Rd.
Pickering, Ontario
Canada L1V 1A6
    Believe it or not, I found my old damask, Red Masterpiece at a local
nursery here in Augusta, Green Thumb.
    I hope I've been some help. Congrats on the upcoming nuptials.  Hint-
on the WWW is a neat site with fab rose recipes called Jungle Roses.  Also
with some truely romantic ideas for your wedding.

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