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Re: To Knight or not to Knight?

Poster: John Gahrmann <jrgahrmann@geocities.com>

Burke McCrory wrote:

> Poster: Burke McCrory <burkemc@ionet.net>
> The following was posted by my squire to the Ansteorran list.  He asked me
> to forward it to the Atlantia list as he is interested in getting your
> ideas as well.  Thanks.
> Sir Burke Kyriell MacDonald
> >Posted by Centurion Talen Gustaf von Marienburg
> >
> >My Lady wife, an armored fighter of some renown, was discussing with me the
> >motivations of fighters.  I'll toss out to this list the questions that
> >were raised.
> >
> >When you joined the SCA did you want to be a knight?  Why or why not?

Not originally, I joined because I had an interest in Blacksmithing and armoring. After I 
decided to try my hand at heavy weapons I decided I wanted to be the best I could be and 
since the ideals of chivalry have always been important to me I felt that knighthood was 
the goal to strive for. I still feel that way. I do question this decision at times 
because of the "win at any cost" attitude I sometimes see by those striving to 
knighthood. However, when I look at the knights I know and admire I am reminded that 
those who actually achieve the accolade are generally capable of more than just winning 
tournements, they are teachers and examples of the virtues of knighthood. The example set 
by individual knights is important to keeping the accolade from becoming just another 
tourney prize. 

> >
> >If you have not yet achieved that recognition, do you still want to be
> >knighted?  Why or why not?

Yes, because I feel that it is the pinnicle of what we strive for as fighters in the SCA. 
It is a recognition of skills and personal behavior that epitomize the purpose of the 

> >
> >Do you do anything other than fight?Leatherwork, armoring, blacksmithing, calligraphy, woodworking...

> >
> >How long have you been fighting?Since about 1982 - 83.

> >
> >Other comments?
> >
> >Talen & Treschen
> >---------
> >Centurion Talen Gustaf von Marienburg
> >Honorable Lady Treschen von Asselen
> >Cry "Havoc!" and let slip the dogs of war!
> >talen@microtutors.com
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John Gahrmann
AKA Johann von Rothenburg
List Archives, FAQ, FTP:  http://sca.wayfarer.org/merryrose/
            Submissions:  atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
        Admin. requests:  majordomo@atlantia.sca.org