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Re: To Knight or not to Knight?

Poster: wulfric <wulfric@visi.net>

Burke McCrory wrote:
> Poster: Burke McCrory <burkemc@ionet.net>
> The following was posted by my squire to the Ansteorran list.  He asked me
> to forward it to the Atlantia list as he is interested in getting your
> ideas as well.  Thanks.
> Sir Burke Kyriell MacDonald
> >Posted by Centurion Talen Gustaf von Marienburg
> >
> >My Lady wife, an armored fighter of some renown, was discussing with me the
> >motivations of fighters.  I'll toss out to this list the questions that
> >were raised.
> >
> >When you joined the SCA did you want to be a knight?  Why or why not?
> >When i joined i didnt know a SCA knight from a loral etc., but most of the knights i have meet have inspiered me to become a squire and acheive the knighthood. 
> >If you have not yet achieved that recognition, do you still want to be
> >knighted?  Why or why not?
> > Most definetly    To be the true knight and not just a stickjock.
> >Do you do anything other than fight?
> >Yes as my knight challenges all his Squires to be well rounded in order to achieve true knighthood.embroidery,leather work,archery,armouring,gameing,cooking, and most of all service and goodness.
> >How long have you been fighting?
> > 3 years
> >Other comments?
> > Please  me must not always look at the bad we must admire the good andthe is a hole lot more of  the good in our sosiety.
> >Talen & Treschen            
> >---------                        in service always 
> >Centurion Talen Gustaf von Marienburg            Wulfric Adler
> >Honorable Lady Treschen von Asselen
> >Cry "Havoc!" and let slip the dogs of war!
> >talen@microtutors.com
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