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Re: [MR] Name all seven Middle Ages, win fabulous prizes

Poster: "Stephanie M. Thorson" <smt2@st-andrews.ac.uk>

> Just a quick "Here, here" to that! Can I be bloody tired of the focus on
> Italy too?

Absolutely.  :)  Welcome to the Northern Europe Fan Club.  

> The Flemish artists tried to replicate nature a full century before the
> Italians-- perfect perspective isn't everything.

The Flemish artists also developed oil paints and were using them a full
century before the Italians, who kept using egg tempera. Speaking as both
a cranky medievalist <tm> and someone who's done her time in the painting
studios, I'll take that Flemish innovation over the old-fashioned tempera
any day.  Oils are much easier to manipulate. 

Stephanie M. Thorson			|  SCA: Lady Alianora Munro
Dept. of Scottish History		|  Clan White Wing
University of St Andrews		|  Tarkhan, Khanate Red Lion

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