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Re: two questions -- COPYRIGHT CLASS

Poster: Suzanne Metzler <0002152178@mcimail.com>

Eoghan and others interested in Copyright Class at University but unable
to attend:

I am giving the copyright class at university.  (In my mundane life,
I am a copyright attorney).  I will be happy to
forward you copies of the documents/notes by email if you have the capability
to receive document enclosures (just specify whether you prefer word
or word perfect), just email me directly.  To those who cannot receive document 
enclosures, please email me directly and I will make arrangements with you to 
send the notes/releases via snail mail.  If there is general interest, I can
see about making this information available to Rabah for dissemination
to Chroniclers.

Sue Metzler/Tehair MacDiarmada

Date:     Wed May 07, 1997 09:21 pm EDT
Source-Date: Wed, 07 May 1997 21:07:37 -0500 (EST)
From:     mn13189
          EMS: INTERNET / MCI ID: 376-5414
          MBX: mn13189@WCUVAX1.WCU.EDU
TO:       The Merry Rose
          EMS: INTERNET / MCI ID: 376-5414
          MBX: atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
BCC:    * Suzanne Metzler / MCI ID: 215-2178
Subject:  two questions
Message-Id: 97050801212206/INTERNETGWDI2IG
Source-Msg-Id: <Pine.PMDF.3.95.970507210420.818128985A-100000@WCUVAX1.WCU.EDU>
U-X-Organization: The Merry Rose Tavern at Cheapside
U-Precedence: bulk

Poster: mn13189@WCUVAX1.WCU.EDU

I have two questions for the list at large:

1) My lady is getting into Combat Archery and is slowly peicing together
the equipment she needs.  She has found a lovely, perfectly functioning
recurve bow at a flea market for only $20.  Problem is, it has a 45lb.
draw.  Now, a bargain like that is too good to pass up, so she's going to
get it regardless, but she would like to know if there is a way she can
reduce the draw to 30lbs. so the bow would be legal for comabt archery.

2) I would really love to take the class on Copywrite Law at the upcoming
University.  Only problem is I can't make the drive up north.  If someone
who is going would be willing to mail me (e-mail or otherwise) a copy of
the class notes, I would be very grateful.  Thanks.


           "I brought ye to the ring.  Now dance best ye can."
   Matthew Allen Newsome            |       Lard Eogan Og Mac Labruinn
   intern consultant/curator      |       Altantian Royal Bard
   Scottish Tartan Museum           |       Chronicler, MSoB
   & Heritage Center              |         (Militant Society of Bards)
   http://intertekweb.com/tartans/  |       Clan Og, SCA
   <tartans@dnet.net>               |       "IT'S ONLY A GAME!"
    --------------------"Bring Forrit The Tartan"---------------------

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