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A cool Book

Poster: mn13189@WCUVAX1.WCU.EDU

I just found what I consider to be a very cool book in the library.
It is called _Daily_Life_in_Chaucer's_England_, and is by Jeffrey L.
Singman and Will McLean.  ISBN 0-313-29375-9.
What makes this book different from others of it's ilk is that when it
talks about the clothes that were worn, it gives patterns!  When it talks
about the foods that were eaten, it gives recipes!  When it talks about
the songs that were sung, it gives lyrics and music!  When it talks about
the games that were played, it gives rules (it even makes mention of
Cambok)!  This book was written for the living historian in mind, and even
mentions the SCA in one of the Appendices as a good North American contact
for medieval history re-creation.
It is easily accessable to someone who has never done anything like
reenactment before, and would be an ideal book to lend to newcomers.  But
it is so full of information that even old timers would likely find some
useful tid-bits.
It was published in 1995, and so is probably still in print.  I'm going to
contact some local book stores and see if any one can order me a copy.
Until then, I'll be reading the library's.

           "I brought ye to the ring.  Now dance best ye can."
   Matthew Allen Newsome            |	    Lard Eogan Og Mac Labruinn
   intern consultant/curator	    |       Altantian Royal Bard
   Scottish Tartan Museum           |	    Chronicler, MSoB
   & Heritage Center	    	    |	    (Militant Society of Bards)
   http://intertekweb.com/tartans/  |	    Clan Og, SCA
   <tartans@dnet.net>               |       "IT'S ONLY A GAME!"
    --------------------"Bring Forrit The Tartan"---------------------

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