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Re: Archery Marshal class at Lochmere's On Target Event
Poster: Tanner Lovelace <lovelace@acm.org>
I would like to say that this was a most enjoyable event.
Not only for the Archer marshall course, but the combat
archery also. I was able to borrow equipment and authorize in
combat archery, and then participate in an extremely fun
combat archery woods battle. If you haven't yet tried
combat archery, I would encourage you to do so.
Also, I would like to encourage any archer, combat or
otherwise, to come to the Storvik Baronial championship on
May 31. I would more than love to see combat archery included
in the rapier and heavy combat this year.
In service,
Lord Kendrick Wayfarer
Rapier Marshall, Barony of Storvik
On Tue, 6 May 1997, Andre Detommaso wrote:
> Poster: Andre Detommaso <andre.detommaso@intelsat.int>
> Greetings unto the Archers of Atlantia from Lorenzo il Confuso, Deputy
> Kingdom Archer Marshal for the Northern Region of our fair land.
> Good gentles, I would like to recommend that each archer that is within
> driving range of the Annapolis area think about attending Lochmere's On
> Target event this Saturday. Aside from being an absolutely terrific
> event for both beginning and advanced archers alike, it will be one of
> the only two opportunities in the foreseeable future to take Lady
> Dealla's Marshal class (the next opportunity would be at University). If
> you are acting as a Marshal for your group and have not yet been
> warranted, or would just like to become a Marshal, don't miss this
> chance to have a great time shooting, meet most of the best archers in
> the Kingdom and get warranted as well. The class is the only requirement
> at this point to be an Archer Marshal, and it is well worth your time
> even if you are just interested in archery, as information on both
> target and combat archery will be presented in details.
> I hope to see you there for a great day of shooting and instruction.
> In service,
> Lorenzo
> =======
> lorenzo@intelsat.int
> =======================================================================
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| lovelace@acm.org
|\ Arlington, VA
|/ Per chevron argent and azure, a wolf passant
| sable between three compass roses counterchanged.
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