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Helping former Tuchux

Poster: bearslayer@juno.com (Christopher M Dawson)

We now pause for station's identification........

Greetings all,
	for those of you who don't know me too well, I reveal to you the
dreaded knowledge that I am a former Tuchux!!!!!!
<aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! run in despair> 
<oh, he was such a nice boy too!!!!!>
	But I, like others have left the Tuchux tribe, because they are
not what they once were....
what I am looking for now is if anyone know some one from  the Midrealm
with e-mail around the Youngstown, Ohio are that could help some former
Tuchux find their way in the SCA like some wonderful people in Seareach
did for me....
	If there are any out there who can help me find guildance for
these fledging SCAdians please contact me at bearslayer@juno.com

I thank you all,
Now back to the program......

Nikolai Bearslayer

<<There is a fine line between CHARISMA and BULLSHIT>>
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