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Re: demo THANKS

Poster: bearslayer@juno.com (Christopher M Dawson)

Twas our pleasure and honor to be of assistance, Lady Kari...... I hope
that this will afford us ample opportunity for future ventures.....As
soon as I get my shire to stop being mad at me.... I didn't look at the
maps, I thought Luarinburg was a few minutes past Lumberton, not almost
45 minutes.......

In Service,
Nikolai Bearslayer

<<There is a fine line between CHARISMA and BULLSHIT>>

On Mon, 19 May 1997 12:57:50 -0400 (EDT) Janine H Sutter
<jsutter@scotland.ces.state.nc.us> writes:
>Poster: Janine H Sutter <jsutter@scotland.ces.state.nc.us>
>We would like to thank everyone who was able to help with the demo in 
>Laurinburg yesterday.  The following people signed the sign-up sheet:  
>Lady Emma Lawless, Tessa s'Aubrey, Robert of Seareach, Grimrof, Kim 
>Sheffield, Lady Patricia Matthis, Alwyn Kenweird, Nikloa Bearslayer, 
>Alesia Gillefalyn, Malcom Gestoar, Rostina Thompson, Akila Offeraeath 
>(Lady Pez), Aileen McDonagh.  I am sure there were others there who 
>not sign in, I am sorry for omitting your name, but we thank you also. 
>We want to thank Seareach for holding their weekly fighter practice at 
>the demo.  Many people turned out to fight (both heavy and rapier) and 
>speak with the crowd.  Unfortunatly, we had to stop at 4 to allow some 
>children to perform a dance routine.  Several people signed the SCA 
>Interest Sheet and many more took the flyers.  Thanks again for all of 
>your help.  In Service, Kari Kyst
>Janine Honey Sutter
>E-Mail  : jsutter@scotland
>Internet: jsutter@scotland.ces.ncsu.edu
>Phone   : 9102772422
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List Archives, FAQ, FTP:  http://sca.wayfarer.org/merryrose/
            Submissions:  atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
        Admin. requests:  majordomo@atlantia.sca.org