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Poster: Janine H Sutter <jsutter@scotland.ces.state.nc.us>

We would like to thank everyone who was able to help with the demo in 
Laurinburg yesterday.  The following people signed the sign-up sheet:  
Lady Emma Lawless, Tessa s'Aubrey, Robert of Seareach, Grimrof, Kim 
Sheffield, Lady Patricia Matthis, Alwyn Kenweird, Nikloa Bearslayer, 
Alesia Gillefalyn, Malcom Gestoar, Rostina Thompson, Akila Offeraeath 
(Lady Pez), Aileen McDonagh.  I am sure there were others there who did 
not sign in, I am sorry for omitting your name, but we thank you also.  
We want to thank Seareach for holding their weekly fighter practice at 
the demo.  Many people turned out to fight (both heavy and rapier) and 
speak with the crowd.  Unfortunatly, we had to stop at 4 to allow some 
children to perform a dance routine.  Several people signed the SCA 
Interest Sheet and many more took the flyers.  Thanks again for all of 
your help.  In Service, Kari Kyst

Janine Honey Sutter
E-Mail  : jsutter@scotland
Internet: jsutter@scotland.ces.ncsu.edu
Phone   : 9102772422
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