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Emerald Joust

Poster: Stephen Christopher Boggs <scboggs@erols.com>

Their Majesties, Their Highnesses and M'Lords and M'Ladies, 
	I have been in the SCA for four months now and I must say that 
each event is better than the last.   I enjoyed Emerald Joust more than 
any other.   The food was wonderful (both nights), the fighting was 
awesome, and the company of their Majesties, Highnesses, The Baron and 
Baroness and all others in attendance made the weekend so much more 
fulfilling.   I have never had so much fun.   I hope that every weekend 
event is like Emerald.

In Service and Loyalty to The Crown of Atlantia,
Cristopharus filius Philippi
Barony of Caer Mear/ Atlantia

P.S. I especially loved watching His Majesty fighting in the Rapier 
Melee.  "Your Mask is truely a fright!!"
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