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Poster: Janine H Sutter <jsutter@scotland.ces.state.nc.us>
Greetings! In late period they would have used a live rabbit or hare.
This was not for hunting, but for royal enjoyment and the hare was given
quite a head start and usually got away. In early period the greyhounds
(and other types of hounds) were used for hunting-rabbits and other small
game-AND-when taught to do so, two of them could bring down a fully grown
deer!! But, in the SCA, in EVERY Kingdoms' Coursing Charter it
states specifically that live lures are not to be used. Because the
pulleys are low to the grown, they are often impossible to see in the
grass anyway. We are working on a box that wil cover the motor system
so it looks like a simple box/chair. In Service, Kari
Janine Honey Sutter
E-Mail : jsutter@scotland
Internet: jsutter@scotland.ces.ncsu.edu
Phone : 9102772422
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