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What commission?

Poster: viking@csra.net (Doug Munitz,Sven Olafssen,Maria Munitz)

  I just received our copy of the June Pop. Chiv a few days ago (probably
won't get The Acorn for another 2 weeks).  In it was a report from the
Board of Directors.  A bit of good news is that there are no age
restrictions at equestrian events since they are not combat related
activities.  I know some people in Aiken that will be happy to hear this.
  But there was also mention of an Atlantian commission.  This was the
first I had heard of it.  Surprised a few others around here as well.  I
imagine that since it was printed up in the newsletter of another kingdom
that it is no secret.  Could anyone drop a line explaining what this is all
about?  As far as I knew, Atlantia is one of the healthiest kingdoms I've
seen so far and I've lived in 5 of them.
Curious in BVK

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