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Address change

Poster: Falcone al Rasool ibn Muhajir <falcone@bellsouth.net>

Salaam and all that!!

Guess what, Gang?  I changed ISPs.  Can you believe that?

It's true.  I eventually had too much stuff going on at an account my
company paid for, so I am bailing and actually "buying my own" for a

My new email is <falcone@bellsouth.net> (that's right...it's a Baby
Bell...no more comments from the peanut gallery;P)

Nothing else has changed, though, and I will still get mail at the old
address, but I want my personal and SCA stuff to migrate here.

Sorry for the bandwidth clutter.  I hope I didn't slow up the herald
types doing the cow/goat stuff. thbbfffft!

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