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Re: The Merry Rose FAQ
Poster: Lance Harrop <lharrop@mrj.com>
On Tue, 3 Jun 1997, Tanner Lovelace wrote:
> >
> > P.S., Lord Kendrick, why is there no paragraph about the Viking Hal Bard
> > Guild???? ;-).
> Because you haven't written and sent me a question and answer for me to
> put in the FAQ. :-) Seriously, though folks, if you have some question
> or answer that you think should go into the FAQ, send it to me and I'll
> include it. After all, it's supposed to be what you've been asking.
Q. What is the Viking Hal Bard Guild?
A. Long ago in the early days of the Merry Rose tavern, the incorrigable
punster Lord (now Master) Henry Best caught someone misspelling
"Viking Halberd" and immediately declared that there were no
"Viking Hal (a diminiative of Henry) Bards" as no one had ever
written a song about him. Immediately many vengenance minded
counter-punsters prepared numerous songs and poems about Henry Best,
most concerning his ankles, which had been a recent source of
conversation in the tavern, even to the point of having a contest
on the subject, which was won by the (in)famous Lord Leifr Johansson,
for his poem "Henry's Ankles". Other individuals have been Viking
Hal Barded, notably Countess (Heyyou) Iantha, Syr Strykar, and the
afforementioned Lord Leifr.
Viking Hal Barding simply involves creating and presenting at
the Merry Rose poems, limericks, or songs about individuals in
the Society, with humorous intent. All who create these fine
works of art are immediately made members of the Viking Hal Bard Guild
and allowed to add to their sig file:
"Member of the Viking Hal Bard Guild, (until they throw me out ;-)"
Which is of course impossible, because the Guild has no real
existance outside of the Merry Rose ;-).
Lord Leifr Johansson, Member of the Viking Hal Bard Guild,
(Until they throw me out ;-)
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