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June University Thanks

My lords and ladies,

I wish to express my appreciation to all involved with the University held on
June 7 in the Barony of Lochmere.  The Barony worked hard to make it a
successful event; my special thanks goes to Robert Bedingfield for his work
as site coordinator, and Jaudin  Guillaume and Giovanna Donnina who acted as
autocrats.  There were also a number of people who volunteered to work the
registration tables and help instructors load and unload their equipment:
 Arianna Hawkins, Thjorra Arnskitteldottir, Elisabeth MacAlester, Gerlach
Weisengrun, Reynard de la Rochefocauld, Dealla Cohen, Constanza Rossi, Dafydd
ap Gwystl, and others whose names may escape me, but who earned my gratitude.
 My thanks also to the teachers and students who came in such great numbers
and enriched our kingdom with their learning.

The next session of the University will be on November 8, somewhere in the
southern reaches of Atlantia.  I will announce the exact location soon.  Now
is the time to volunteer to teach!  With Pennsic upcoming, the deadlines for
The Acorn are going to be earlier than usual.  To publish a catalog in the
October issue, I must have it together by the end of August.  So please take
a few minutes from your busy schedules and get in touch with me.  I am
especially looking for deans who can put together groups of classes on
related subject matter in blocks which will cover 3-6 hours of class time.

I hope to see many of you at the kingdom Arts Festival in July.

Your servant,

Mistress Deirdre O'Siodhachain

P.S.  The attached file is a list of old certificates that need to be picked
up.  If you are the named person or if you know them, please contact me so
they can be distributed.  Likewise, if you believe you are owed a certificate
and not on the list, please let me know.  I will bring all the undelivered
scrolls to the Arts Festival.



Thaney MagEoghan
Padraig Muadhan
Skyler van Mittlebrook
Alisoun MacCoul
Triggvi Grabardr
Helen Whitmore
Annejke MacAiodh
Arianwen the Nimblefingered
Iaian Monlach
Conrad von Regensberg
Ioannes Nikoais
Malfalda D'Arbor
Deadra Colin Cristant Mador
Giovanna Maria Dunyadi di Ghiberti
Moira Maureen ua Seaumus
Robert Whitcome of Brandywine


Aileen McDonagh
Ciara O'Byrne
Giovanna Mancuso
Timothy Kirkwood
Darin Waldreisender
Nicole Sinclair
Deborah la Diaggiatrice
Dubheasa ni Cheirin
Anne Davis-Harwood
Angus of Hamildon
Tannis of Tir-Y-Don
Juleia of Liongate
Anne of Corbridge
Diana Berger
Tryggvi Grabardr
Imran Yosuf le Scorpion
Leifr Johansson
Ursula Aelswitha
Georgann Srock
Johanna von den Glocken


Leifr Johansson
Tannis of Tir-Y-Don
Nicole Sinclair
Tryggvi Grabardr
Tsunetomi Todomu
Theresa du Domremy
Morgana de Mont-St-Michel
Robin of Mannefeld
Hagar the Black
Rosamunda Von Muenstern
Megara di Alessandra
Imran Yosuf le Scorpioun
Ava Trudine
Kay de la Fleur
Owain ap Ioan
William de Montegilt