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Poster: "Robin A Jensen" <griffaud@hearts.tez.net>

Unto the Denizens of the Merry Rose does Bryce de Byram send greetings!

Good Gentles,
                      Now that Emerald Joust has come and gone, I have a
rhetorical question for you.For the last few years,Kingdom Birthday
Celebration has been tied to this very popular event.( In fact, Emerald
Joust, back in '94,was the first to do this.I know, I autocrated...)

Now here's the question.Would any other group out there in Atlantia be
interested in hosting this prestigious and well attended event?(Kingdom
Birthday, that is!)Perhaps even on memorial day weekend? Or perhaps since
so many people from all around the Kingdom make the event happen, Their
Majesties should declare this a official Kingdom event( at Curia), and open
it up for bids.

Whatdayathink ????

My thanks to the Griffauds for the use of this account to post this.(Place
general disclaimer here about this not being their opinions, or mine for
that matter!)   ;-} 
Please feel free to discuss and respond to the List, but please cc this to:
griffaud@hearts.tez.net, this account is not quite on the Merry Rose, yet.
: )

              Bryce de Byram, unabomber-at-large...
!!!!!!!!!!Laus prae Lucro !!!!!!!!!!!
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