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Re: Golden Dolphin and Pearl

Poster: Heather Swann <swannh@psi.com>

>I've been reading this thread and have noticed that not one Baronial 
>award for service has been mentioned.  Is this because few baronies have 
>them or are we ommitting them for some other reason?
>The feeling I've been getting down here is that hard work and dedication 
>on a local level is first awarded through the Barony.  Should the 
>individual continue the work at an exemplary level then the Baron and 
>Baroness can then support them for a kingdom level award (along with 
>other friends who want to see the individual get the award).
>Does this seem reasonable or does it only work down here?
>Lord Liam a'Welwyn, Seneschal, Canton of Cyddlain Downs,
>Chronicler, Barony of Nottinghill Coill,
>and Free Scholar of the Academie d'Espee

Reason being, my Lord Liam, that originally coming from the Shire of
Isenfir, I never make that assumption.  Y'see, Isenfir can't get Baronial
awards.  If you're in a shire that is not baronially affiliated, that is
not in your stars.  'Twon't work, and thus other means must needs be sought

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