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Re: Golden Dolphin and Pearl

Poster: Heather Swann <swannh@psi.com>

At 03:01 PM 6/11/97 -0400, Dave Montuori wrote:
>Dafydd writes:
>> ...Local service is important.  But it is not
>> as important as broader-based service, like running large events, taking
>> Kingdom offices, and having an impact throughout the Kingdom by travel.
>> Local service is useful and laudable.  But again I ask, why a Golden
>> Dolphin?  That is not the only way to recognize and encourage service.
>Examples of alternative methods, please?

AoA's...then Court Baronies.....um...I think that's it.....oh, Grants of
Arms...I think that's it.  At least nothing else comes to mind.
>> There is a common misconception about the award system.  We try to make it
>> fair.  But not equal.
>> Fair means that we try to have a standard of service, or arts, or
>> fighting, and we want that standard to apply to everyone who is offered
>> membership in the orders.
the Real Miriam this month....
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