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Kingdom Teaching Event

Poster: Jeffrey Sussman <jsussman@pop.erols.com>

Greetings from Richard,

Lady Rhiannon has graciously taken up the task of organization of a
Kingdom Teaching Event (name under design).

The idea behing this is to have an event with typical event type
activities, but use those activities as venues for teaching the officers
responsible for that activity.  Have a tourney for teaching marshalling

Tentatively, the plan is to do seminars and classes in the morning and
hands on labs in the afternoon.

For the marshals, we'll do a seminar in the morning and then hands on
marshalling in the afternoon during a bear pit tourney.

The reason for this post, is to solicit others who may wish to join in. 
There's room for any kind of field type activities.

If someone wanted to teach kitchen skills, that would fit into the
concept nicely if we had the kind of site that would allow a feast etc. 
Talk to Lady Rhiannon soon if you're interested in something like this.

If there are fighters who would like to teach combat classes (weapons
forms or other stuff) please contact me and we'll see if we can work
something in.  

In particular, I'd like to find one or more people to teach sword and
shield 101 and 102.

Caveat: Of course Lady Rhiannon and the eventual autocrat will make the
final decisions on what activites are feasible and on the schedule.

Yours in Service to Atlantia,
Richard Fitzgilbert

Beverly Robinson-Curry wrote:
> Good gentles!
> I am already planning next year's heraldry syposium and am working with Duke
> Richard to extend it into a marshallate and mol training day as well.  I
> would like to look at holding it in the Caer Mear/Drachentor area on or
> around the last weekend in March and am soliciting volunteers to
> host/autocrat this event.
> Basically, I think we probably will need 5-6 classrooms, a large common area
> and a big field for the tournament practice session (for marshalls, heralds
> and mol's).  This is pretty much a one-day thing and needs to be extremely
> low cost.
> Any volunteers/bids?
> R
> Lady Rhiannon Ui Neill
> Triton Principal Herald, Atlantia
> House Corvus, Sacred Stone
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