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Poster: "Ed Hopkins" <Ed.Hopkins@MCI.Com>
> >Perhaps waivers for boffers are a good thing. Several years ago a
> >three year old laid a boffer sword along my spine, I saw stars. People
> >who are not familiar with the weapons could get hurt.
> >
> Perhaps we should all look at the fine print on our SCA
> membership cards. I believe that we have already signed
> our waivers.
What do you know! It's true!
My card says:
confirmation of waiver
I hearby acknowledge that I am fully aware of the nature
and purpose of the activities of the Society for Creative
Anachronism, Inc. (SCA). I understand that these ac-
tivities are potentially dangerous and I voluntarily accept
any risks involved. I agree to be bound by the rules of the
SCA, and to obey the directions of the governing officials
at SCA events.
Unless I misread it, this means that as an SCA member I should
not only accept a toddler hitting me on the back with a boffer,
but even, say, an adolescent hitting me on the head with a wooden
spoon in the middle of the second remove.
The trouble is, because of an unfortunate loophole in Kingdom
Law, a non-member[!] can attend an event simply by paying an
extra dollar or two. There's no easy way for a three-year-old
to know who's a valid target.
-- Alfredo el Bufon
Stop hitting me!!
Stop hitting you?
Why did you come in here then?
I wanted to complain.
Oh no, that's next door. It's being-hit-on-the-head
lessons in here.
What a stupid concept!
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