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Marshal's Announcement for the August Acorn
Poster: Jeffrey Sussman <jsussman@pop.erols.com>
Greetings and Felicitations unto Atlanta from the Earl Marshal!
Please welcome Lord Johann von Rothenburg as the latest addition to the
Kingdom Marshals as a Lieutenant Marshal (Dep. Earl Marshal) his listing
appears in this Acorn.
All Knight Marshals, Deputy Knight Marshals, Marshals at Large, and
Apprentice Marshals (marshals in training) must send me their names,
address, phone number, e- mail address, and membership number in order
to be added to the marshal's roster. The Kingdom Chronicler and the
Kingdom Minister of Lists will be using the current roster to verify
event registration forms and authorizations respectively.
We have an Atlantian Marshal's web page at
http://apollo.umuc.edu/~wayne/marshal/ and can be reached by a link from
the Atlantian web page. This contains the current roster as well as the
latest Marshal's Policies and other documents of note.
In coming weeks we will be adding all the documents that any marshal
might be interested in, well those documents that have to do with
marshalling anyway. This is something of a work in progress on a system
that is not dedicated to the marshals web page. Your patience is
appreciated. Any questions should be sent to me.
However, I recognize that not everyone has access to the web, and that
it would be desirable to give each fighter a copy of the rules. In
working with Mistress Isbella, the Atlantian Minister of the Lists, we
have worked out the following policy for distributing the rules.
Each time an authorization card is issued, the fighter will have an
opportunity to request that a complete set of rules be sent to them.
The Kingdom Minister of Lists will send a copy of the current version of
each rules document to those fighters that wish a set.
This rules distribution will be funded from the authorization fees.
Currently, authorization fees are $1.00 or $5.00 (for gold cards). We
propose to change this to a $5.00 fee for everyone. This would fund the
direct distribution of rules and would fund the publishing of the rules
in the Acorn once a year. Funds in excess of these expenditures will go
into the general fund as a contribution from all of the Kingdom's
The following groups do not have a knight marshal and may not host
events with any type of SCA combat. Baronies on this list risk losing
their baronial status. Other groups may also be in violation of the
requirements for their type of group.
Attillium; Azuremont; Baelfire Dunn; Berley Court; Black Diamond; Border
Vale Keep; Buckston-on-Eno; Caer Gelin; Cathanar; Citadel of the Four
Winds; Crannog Mor; Cwmnewydd; Drachentor; Galyardes Bastion; Hawkwood;
Hidden Mountain; Hindscroft; Isenfir; Kapellenberg; Kestrels Keep;
Marshals Keep; Misty Marsh; Raven's Cove; Rencester; Saint Michael's
Keep; Saint Stephen; Saxon Moor; Sylvan Keep; Tir-y-Don; Windmasters'
The following event reports are missing. Event reports should be in to
the Earl Marshal within two weeks of the event. Marshals that host
events without filing reports will be removed and knight marshals of
groups that host events without filing event reports will be removed.
Coronation-Caer Mear; Once in a Blue Moon-Bright Hills; Country
Faire-Hawkwood; Unfair-Rencester; Bread and Circuses-Black Diamond; ‘R
event-Marinus; Venture Con- Crannog Mor; 14th Baronial Birthday-Hidden
Mountain; Novice Tourney-Sacred Stone; Celt Wars-Storvik; Boat
Wars-Buckston; Lady Meede-Black Diamond; 1001 Chocolate
Knights-Bordervale Keep; Birthday Bullfights-Stierbach; Baronial
In reviewing the roster, it is apparent that there are too many vacant
knight marshal and deputy knight marshal positions. A large number of
the marshals who could fill these important offices are journeyman
marshals (marshals at large) instead. I am considering eliminating all
journeyman marshals except in areas where all positions have been filled
and some need exists. I would like comments from anyone interested in
this type of change.
We are considering the following rule changes and would like comments
from anyone interested.
PROPOSED for comment: Fighters may authorize in the various weapon forms
in any order. While it may usually be a good training technique to
teach new fighters sword and shield as their first weapons form it is
not necessary to require that this be their first authorization. This
change would allow a fighter to authorize in any weapons form as their
first authorization. This would not change the nature of any
authorizations just the sequence.
PROPOSED for comment: All spears must be nine (9) feet long or less.
Twelve foot spears do not significantly add to our combat experience.
This rule change would level the playing field by limiting all spears to
nine feet and protect the investment of all those who already have
spears but don't want to be put at a significant weapons disadvantage.
PROPOSED for comment: Unpadded polearms be allowed according to the SCA
wide rules. This would allow polearms of up to seven feet long.
Yours in Service to Atlantia
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