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No more delightful conversations...or reports...

Poster: lisawebb@CUPID.COM

Good gentles,
     I will no longer have email capability, as my husband has
passworded me out of our system. I have greatly enjoyed the posts, and
the convenience of filing my quarterly A&S reports online, but will not
be able to return until I can get my own system. In the meantime, if you
wish to try to send me information, you may send it to his address, but
please understand that he will read it first, and that I may not get it
at all. His address is shdwwolf@earthlink.net. Again, I have enjoyed my
time as a fly on the wall here in the Merry Rose, and hope to return
someday...YIS, THL Elspeth of Harilow, Barony of Marinus, Atlantia

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