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RE: Backward documentation

Poster: Becky McEllistrem <beckymc@MICROSOFT.com>

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Carol_O'Leary@ed.gov [SMTP:Carol_O'Leary@ed.gov]
> Sent:	Thursday, July 03, 1997 12:50 PM
> To:	atlantia@adm.csc.ncsu.edu
> Subject:	Backward documentation
> Gentles all, if we truly wish to emulate our predecessors, if we wish 
>      to "recreate" the Middle Ages and Renaissance in any degree, we
> must 
>      learn what they did *first* and try to base our work on theirs,
> not 
>      create out of whole cloth and then search for something that
> looks a 
>      little like what we made up.  Documentation has to come before 
>      creation, not as an afterthought.
	Actually there is an assumption made here that may or may not be
	correct.  Often this question comes up for me most often when I 
	make something for a post revel because I like it.  Then someone
	says "hey is that period?"  It doesn't mean I intended to create
a period 
	thing for the post revel but something close and now I have a
	I can't answer.  I could avoid these questions all together by
only doing
	period stuff but unfortunately I don't have any where near as
much time
	as I'd like to study (but hey.... I know HTML now!) *sigh*

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