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Re: SCA Alcohol Policy
Poster: Lori <lori@tfsp.saic.com>
Greetings from Conna,
As a former bartender in the state of Virginia, allow me the chance to
tell you how it works for a commercial establishment. It raised quite a
stink here when the state law went into effect.
In essence the law says that a person who is injured by someone who is
drunk can sue the establishment and the bartender who sold the drinks.
This was really intended for drunk drivers, but I have seen it applied in
other ways.
For example, I sell Fred 6 beers. Fred goes out and hits Mary. Mary can
sue me and the bar for getting Fred drunk. The law feels that I should
either have gotten Fred a cab or stopped selling him alcohol. The sticky
part is when Fred refuses to hand over the keys.
Anywho, as this applies to SCA events. The law in Virgina is interpreted
that WHOEVER served the drink AND WHOEVER supplied the drink are liable.
Now that I have muddied the waters, I will go back to lurking.
In service,
Conna M'Kennane
aka Lori Buschbaum
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