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Re: Pennsic 26 Land Info-FYI / Please Help

Poster: karen@georesearch.com (Karen Green)

The Pennsic Land Info is also available at
http://www.whitebelt.com/pennsic26/landfinal.html ... For Brigid of
Linnhe and others who are "net-impaired":

Well, here it is folks. Hot off the presses. 

SCA Group Name                  Land Designation
------------------------------  ----------------
Acre                                    N13
Aerie of Tir Thalor                     E16
Aethelmearc Royal Encampment            E01
Aleholding                              E08
Allied Households                       N20
Andrei's Li'l Empire                    W13
Ardchreag                               W22
Argent Company                          N15
Azami                                   N20
Bancharaid my dhaes                     E11
Barony of An Dubhaigeainn               W02
Barony of Andelcrag                     N17
Barony of Bergental                     N21 
Barony of Bhakail                       N13 
Barony of Black Diamond                 N23
Barony of Carillion                     N10 
Barony of Delftwood                     N08 
Barony of Dunn Carraig                  N18 
Barony of Fenix                         N15
Barony of Northwoods                    N11
Barony of Ponte Alto                    N21 
Barony of Red Spears                    W15 
Barony of Roaring Wastes                N18 
Barony of Settmour Swamp                E12
Barony of Skraeling Althing             W19
Barony of the Bridge (WD)               E13 
Barony of the Flame                     W07
Barony of the Sacred Stone              N11
Barony of Therscorre                    N08
Barony of Windmasters Hill              N05      
Bear Clan                               W14 
Bear's                                  W03
Bide-A-Wee                              E06
Black Legion                            N17
Black Skull Clan                        E30 
Black Talon                             E18 
Blackforest Rest                        W10
BlackSilver                             E11
Blacksword                              N18 
BLINDED SUN                             N11 
Blood Moon Clan                         E06 
BMDL                                    N10 
BOSCO CHIARO                            W09
Brigadoon Alliance                      W09
Bright Hills/Chez d'Argent              W13
Burly Ten Pint Men                      E17
Caer Edgemere                           E15      
Caer Frig                               W10 
Caer MacDonald                          E30      
CAER MEAR                               E01
Camp Crook'd Cat                        E03
Camp Maplewood                          W18
Camp of the Three Bears                 N17
Camp River Birds                        E11
Camp Silberwald                         N23
Camp Testosterone                       E12      
Camp Urso                               E11 
CAMP YGGSDRASIL                         W21
Chateau Merdecheval                     N23
Cheshire House                          N18  
Chez D’Argent/Spiaggia Levantina        W16
Cigfran Cylch                           E17
CLAN BADGER'S CROSSING                  N25
Clan Blackhart                          N09 
Clan Blue Feather                       E12
Clan Cambion                            E15
Clan Campbell                           E23
Clan Chattan                            E15
Clan Cromlech                           E18
Clan Damhandubh                         E04
Clan Greasan                            W05
Clan Kilkenny                           W02
Clan Kindred of the Wolf                E28
Clan Lurkr                              N05
Clan MacAdder                           W14
Clan MacCattan                          N06 
Clan MacGowan                           E17 
Clan McGroyne                           E28      
Clan Neko                               N21
Clan of the Northern Lynx               E28 
Clan Oicarrinuinn                       W10
CLAN SHADOWFIRE                         E28 
CLAN T'BBAS                             E04
Clan Yama Kaminari                      E02
Clann O'Choda                           E03
Clanne Preachain                        E23
Club Aed                                N13
Coill Taur                              W13
Colderwild                              W10
College of Cour d’Or                    E18
Compagnie Mercurie                      E04
Conchile                                E27 
Concordia                               N01
Coney Island                            E18
Crow's Nest                             W15
CYNNABAR                                W13
Dalhraidia                              E27
DANCING SPIDER                          W03
Dark Horde Moritu                       E09
Darkmoon                                N18
DE TAAHE                                E04
Dernehealde                             W10
Die Fledermaus                          E28
Dragon Clan                             E03
Dragon Hammer II                        N15
Dragon Mist Cairn                       W09
Dragon Web                              E28
DraVargr                                E18
Drunken Badgers on the Hill             E17
Duchy Von Grunwald                      N18
Eagle's Keep                            N17
Ealdormere Royal                        W17
Enchanted Ground                        W09
Faeringolds                             E28
Fagna Fundrsted                         E25 
Familia Gladiatiria                     W14
Finn MacCool                            N10
Flaming Gryphon                         W07
Fool's Rest                             W16
Freehold of the River Keep              N18
Friends of the White Bear               W09
Full Circle                             N18
Gladique Scoparum                       N28      
Goat Clan                               W06
Golden Rose                             E17
Gramorginn                              N16
Green Witch Village                     W22
Grimwulf's Fyrdwic                      E21
Haus DrakkenFury                        N28
Haus Eberhorn                           N16
Haus Kameraden                          N18
Haus Nordwulf                           E28
Haus von Halstern                       N14
Havre des Glaces                        E21 
Head Clan                               E14
Heralds Camp                            E10
Horn and Crown                          N21
Hornwood (shire)                        E17
House Ainissestor                       N15 
House Argus                             N01
HOUSE BEDFORD                           E01
House Belligerant Dragon                W13
House Bloodguard                        N17
House Cognizenti                        N06
House Crescent & Dragon                 E18 
House Crossbow                          N22
House Cyclonus                          E18
House de Londres                        E05
House Dragon’s End                      W04
House Dunn Phalin                       E24
House Gaping Maw                        N17
House Golden Ram                        N10
House Grimalkin                         W09
House Howling Mouse                     E17
HOUSE IRON MAIDEN                       W09 
House Kriegsturm                        N06
House Maxwell                           W05
House Morwaywffon                       E23 
House Nuin                              E26
House Oakenwode                         N07
House of Eastwood                       E12
House of Heartwood                      E21
HOUSE OF KASSAR                         E26
House of Ravenswood                     E21
House of the Great Wyvern               E15
House of the Guilded Lash               N10
House of the Lost Keys                  E18
House of the Lost Souls                 W16
House of the Seven Spears               E24 
House of the Toronad                    E13
House of Three Roses                    E12 
House Qasim                             W02
House Quacheri                          E18
House Redoaks                           N09
House Rowanhall                         W13
House Shadowoulfe                       N21
House Silver Ram                        N14
House Silver Talon                      N28
House Silverkeep                        E15
House Singing Stone                     N10
House Stahlgiest                        E03
House Thornewood                        N23
House Three Thistles                    E03
House Valkyrie                          E13
House Vexillarius                       N24
House Wasserwulf                        N21
House Wild Rose                         E24
Household Blue Rose                     E11
Household of Realmsedge                 W08
Hus Ingolfsson                          N01
Icod                                    E08
Iron Lance                              W13
Jade’ Place - II                        N10
Key Largo Gypsies                       E15
Kingdom of Ansteorra                    N08 
Kingdom of Atlantia                     E07
Kingdom of Calontir                     N03
Kingdom of Meridies                     N21
Kingdom of the West                     W01 
Kingdom of Trimaris                     W17
Last Hill Camp                          W03
Leper Colony                            N04
LOC                                     W10
Lochmere                                N18      
Lost Boys                               W22
Marche of Alderford                     W10
Marche of Gwyntarian                    E13
McGuires Marauders                      N03
McKayne                                 E22
Meduseld                                E25 
Midlands                                N21
MIDREALM ROYAL                          W01
Mistry Highlands                        E18      
Mjollinir                               N21
Monadh                                  W18
Morning Roamers                         E29
Mountain Confederation                  E12 
Mystic Wolf Den                         E15
NATURAL SELECTION                       W09 
New Bridge                              N10
Northern Outpost                        E18 
Northpass                               E05
Northshield Royal Encampment            N19
Nosse Eldesar                           N20
Orluk Oasis                             W10
Ostgardr                                E06
Owl’s Reste                             N07
Pentwyvern                              E16
Petrea Thule                            W14
Phoenix Aerie                           E13 
PHOENIX HORDE                           E27 
Pink Fuzzy Bunny                        W05
Ragnesfolke                             E23
Raven Spittle                           E04     
Revelwood                               E28
Reynards Peers                          E28 
Rhyderrich Hael                         W08
Rivenstar                               N18
Robledal                                E21
ROGUES                                  E28 
Royal Forest of Rusted Woodlands        E01
Rozakii & Friends                       E23
Sanctum Mercia                          N20
Scarlet Letter                          E22 
SEAREACH                                E21
Shadow clans                            E18      
Shark Pit                               N21
Shauna’s Camp                           W11 
Shaynoname                              N05
Shiere of Iron Bog                      N18
Shire of Barren Sands                   E13
Shire of Caer Adamant                   N24
Shire of Dark River                     W08 
Shire of Dragonsmark                    N10
Shire of Eastwatch                      N06
Shire of Frosted Hills                  N14
Shire of Heronter                       N13
Shire of Hunters Home                   N16
Shire of Montvale                       N16 
Shire of Mugmort                        W12
Shire of Shadowed Stars                 N18
Shire of Stormvale                      W08
Sign of the Black Rose                  E04
Silver Dragon Wood                      W09
Silver Gryphon                          E26
Silver Phoenix & Estmar                 E23
Sin Pit                                 E04
Spartii                                 N15
Speckulian                              W10
ST. JONES MISSION                       E26
St. Swithin's Bog                       E22
Starry Knights                          W01      
Sternfeld                               N18
Supplicants of Shudi-Ad                 W15
Tagmata                                 W04
Talymar Land (Holt Heroedes)            W07
Tangri                                  E22
Taz's Island/Shadow Storm               E28
hran Sloth                              E26 
THREE FARTHING STONE                    E22
Tieg Lion Ban                           N11 
Timberwolfe Household                   E28   
Time Pirates of the Shadow Coast        E28
Tree People                             E26
Tribe Winged Wolf Gypsies               W22
Trinovania Nova                         E24 
TUCHUX                                  N27
Ulfednar                                E18
Vair and Ermine                         N18
VAV                                     E30
Venshavn                                E24      
Vestguard                               W21
Vikland Mercenary Company               E23
Vlad’s Pleasure Pavilions               E20
War Puppies                             E12
We Happy Few                            N14
Wegotsmore                              N20      
Weresheep                               N21
Willow Point Neighborhood Association   E19
Wixbury Marche                          W22
Wulf Den                                E27
Zumachen Artifacers                     E22 

Karen Larsdatter
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