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Poster: John Strauss <jstrauss@gmu.edu>

Matilda and I finally got to see Branaugh's 4 hour Hamlet.

1) It's a lot easier to follow the story if it's all there. I feel
educated and illuminated. (Oh! So THAT'S why Hamlet did thus and so.)

2) The guy who wrote "Rosencrantz & Gildenstern are Dead" was a genius;
but I can't see Hamlet the same way since I saw that. 

3) Kenneth Branaugh is a god.

4) I sure miss Emma Thompson.

I heard or read somewhere that this complete text of Hamlet would have
played about 2 hours under Shakespeare's direction, being read through
without pause as poetry with actors keeping pace sans dramatic pauses. Can
anyone speak to this matter? Gwydion? 


       John Strauss             |    Dr. Henry Best, OP       
       Lexington, KY            |    Dragonsmark, Midrealm      
       jstrauss@gmu.edu         |    "Jugate Potentum Gaudii"

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