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households and those banners
Poster: "Efenwealt Wystle" <efen@hotmail.com>
2 part message:
1) The painted banners at the KA&SF were made by the Canton of Elvegast.
It was the perfect project for a group as dizzy as ours (and I love to
brag). Arawynn and I bought some canvas painting tarps and cut them into
the nifty banner shapes and and she surged the edges. Then we hung them
on a wall at Master Valdemar's house (he has lots of walls, we have few)
and projected color copies of manuscript illuminations with *MASTER*
(woo hoo!) Magnus' opaque projector. We traced the outlines of all the
pictures with a Sharpee (thanks Brianna and Lucy for your help!). Then
at canton meetings, we handed out the banners and color copies to folks.
They did the "paint by number" thing and *BAMF* Elvegast has 20 some
spiffy banners. Be proud Elvegast. Be very proud.
2) How does one join a household? I think the question should be "Why
should one join a household?" Is Atlantia so infiltrated by households
that people think they have to join or start one to get anywhere? I
guess so, the joke at Pennsic last year was
"How many Atlantians does it take to screw in a light bulb? It depends
on what household you're in."
People don't have to be a "household" to do things together. Whatever
happened to doing projects with your local group? Or just being friends?
I've seen dozens of little groups come and go, each one saying "We're
not like OTHER households, we have fun, and we don't play politics."
Yeah right. They camp together a few times, have a few parties and then
break up because of some political problem.
I think one of the most admirable of "households" is House Pink Fuzzy
Bunny. They really only exist at Pennsic, where they all camp together
and then go home. No heraldry, no matching clothes, no badges, but
everyone at the War seems to know where their camp is. Sometimes they
put up a sign that says something like:
"House death skull raven wulf crush dragon flaming wyvern shadow rabid
dog bad breath we all were black because we want you to think we're deep
and mysterious but we're really quite shallow"
Shut up efen.
Efen, Chairman of the Knowne World Disorder
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