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Re: A modest proposal (no, not that one)

Poster: tawnyk@juno.com (shana m harvey)

Greetings unto Bridgette Kelly MacLean and gentle cousins all!
I think a year-long effort is a marvelous idea!  It encourages one to do
the research thoroughly, plan and create a project that is grand in
scale, and follow through with a deadline.   I will gladly publish this
idea in the SWAT newsletter and I suspect it will get lots of support.  I
would like to participate myself (will the stool be a good height/comfort
for weaving??!?!?...grin).   As I know many people who would like to
participate that are not on-line, do you have a snail mail address for

Judging is tough, as you will have multiple arts represented.  This is
usually solved by having a common theme, but I think that would limit the
scope of the competition.  I also believe that the current A/S forms
cover this by having general categories with a points systems.  May I
suggest that each piece be judged in the following categories?
craftsmanship (if the documentation is good, a judge wouldn't have to
practice the 
	art to judge this category, although some arts are self evident)

Many of these categories are very subjective, but are a starting point. 
The last
is because this is a "new" skill for the artisan (I like that emphasis,
BTW).  Many "first" pieces have an obvious starting/ending point as the
skill improves.  This last would depend on whether you are trying to
encourage a perfect finished project or a little risk taking on a large
scale.  Anyway, that's my immediate reaction to your idea with only a
little thought.  I say go for it!

Dreaming of incredible textiles, 
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