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Re: Ballet: Stork Lake

Poster: "Ed Hopkins" <Ed.Hopkins@MCI.Com>

> That's two men and two women with stilts and barely an ounce of good
> common sense among the four of us. Surely, with a whole week to practice,
> we can develop a 2 couples dance on stilts. 

In Anguiano, in the province of La Rioja, in the mundane Kingdom
of Espan~a, young men in skirts and on stilts dance La Danza de
los Zancos on the day of La Fiesta de Santa Mari'a Magdalena. I
don't know if the Danza dates back to the Period, but the people
in Anguiano like to think it does.

-- Alfredo el Bufo'n
Profound Palindrome of the Day: Slang is signals.

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