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Re: Fireball shooting yak

Poster: Robert J Welenc <rjwelenc@erols.com>

At 01:12 8/2/97 -0700, Joyce Baldwin wrote:
>Poster: Joyce Baldwin <jocetta@ibm.net>
><snip> >a good friend of mine's claims that there is a mythological
>beast in celtic
>> >mythology which had  breath that could slay and shot fireballs out its
>> >posterior, and in general caused lots of destruction(to the ozone layer).
>> there is a heraldic beast known as
>> the bonacon.  From J. P. Brooke-Little's _An Heraldic Alphabet_:
>> Bonacon (also Bonasus)  A bull-like monster but with horns which curl
>> inwards, a short mane, and a horse's tail.  Its horns being but useless, it
>> defends itself by shooting its burning excrements at its enemies.  It
>> appears to have been first granted to Richard Chandelor in 1560 as a crest.
>>  (Note - the illustration shows only the head of the beast, as even for
>> Tudor heraldry a flame-throwing bull is a bit much!)
>> There are no instances of this beast registered as SCA arms.
>Maybe not registered but back when I first joined the SCA (it was not
>quite before dirt but it was still a New Thing then and regarded
>suspiciously) I was an apprentice herald attending a Brigantia Principal
>Herald meeting and somebody had submitted it!  There was some question
>of  sending it back as patently offensive, but it did pass, the
>concensus being "if he wants to go around having people think of him as
>a flaming a_____, well..."  I'm not sure if it passed Laurel.

It must not have, since my search through the on-line O & A did not find
anything.  Just out of curiosity, what year was this, my lady?  I'd like to
go through the precedents and see if I can locate it and any commentary on it.


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