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Re: Coronation and Pointless War

Poster: karen@georesearch.com (Karen Green)

Mikhail the Armorer wrote:

> > And when and where Pointless War is to be?

Then Istvan Dragosani wrote:

> I'm not sure there is going to be a Pointless War this year.  I haven't
> seen any announcements yet.  It looks as if The Siege of Glengary
> (which is a two kingdom event -- it's the first combat event of the new
> Kingdom of AEthelmearc) is as close to a Pointless War that we'll get.

I believe Kingdom Crusades is what used to be known as the Pointless
War.  It's in Starlington, MD, October 17-19.

Yours in Service to the Dream,

Karen Larsdatter
  Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
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