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Re: quiet

Poster: Corun MacAnndra <corun@access.digex.net>

Aileen wrote:
>Lately my usual large amount of SCA-mail has been replaced with a large
>amount of mundane spam (gak, spit).
>Is it quiet everywhere, have the taverns closed, or have I come unconnected?

It has been a little quiet here (except for a sudden interest in
sekanjabin), and it seems the amount of spam hitting the net has increased
by at least an order of magnitude. Nearly 70% of my email these days is
spam, often repeats of the same on. So let me take a moment to suggest
everyone check out the CAUCE (Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial
Email) web page at www.cauce.org. They are lobbying to ammend 47 USC 227,
the law against junk faxes, to include computers.

In service (to a spam free internet),

     Corun MacAnndra   |   Dark Horde by birth   |   Moritu by choice
 I do not understand objections to 'cruel and unusual' punishment. While a
judge should be benevolent in purpose, his awards should cause the criminal
to suffer, else there is no punishment. -- R. A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers
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