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Re: cookie hoax

Poster: Logan & Arielle <sirlogan@mail.clt.bellsouth.net>

Neil Maclay wrote:
> Poster: Neil Maclay <nmaclay@psi.prc.com>
> Greetings,
> About 5 years ago I saw this story in a newsgroup posting.
> I printed out the recipe and my wife baked some cookies.
> They were quite good although my wife has some recipes that
> are better. Maybe we should use this recipe to make the
> currency to hire mercenaries for the Crusades.
>         Malcolm MacMalcolm

Malcolm are you planning to build your own army? An army of mercenaries?
Not fight with your own kingdom?  Or are you unaware that I will never
pay anyone (mercenary, alternate SCA-type group etc) for their loyalty?


ps Let Me know if you are and how the cookies taste! (I do have an
occasional sweet tooth) 8^)

********GENERAL DISCLAIMER*********
If you hadn't guessed by now this is called humor.  Although, I won't
hire anyone to fight with this kingdom and I am just yanking Malcolm's
chain about his army.  I do however put this here to hopefully ward off
the low IQ's that take stuff way too seriuosly.  I used to think that
the little smiley faces handled that but I found out I was wrong.
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