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Architectural Tour of Pennsic

Poster: Tom Brady <tabrady@mindspring.com>

Greetings to the gentles assembled here from Duncan MacKinnon!

Whilst visiting on the Rialto, I found the following page mentioned. It is
a photographic tour of some of the more interesting architecture of Pennsic
XXVI (the tent with the dormers was in Atlantian Royal, but I'm not sure
whose it was). The URL:

I think the author missed some significant structures on the Serengeti
(especially the marvelous circular ["umbrella"] pavillions at Lochmere/ap
Gwystl/Whoever else camp), but covered some down by the lake that I hadn't
seen before.

Duncan-Bob says, "Check it out."


Tom Brady             tabrady@mindspring.com          SCA: Duncan MacKinnon
  See my web pages at http://www.technomancer.com/~duncan/ for pointers
       for the Society for Creative Anachronism and gay & lesbian links

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