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November University Catalog

My Lords and Ladies,

I am very pleased to send out an advance copy of the catalog for Atlantian
University on November 8.  A print copy of this catalog will appear in the
October issue of The Acorn.  As you will see, we have a full schedule and
excellent choice of classes.  Although it is full as of this writing, please
let me know if you are willing to teach on a stand-by basis.  Inevitably
there are some cancellations and having substitutions available is helpful.

I remind you I am looking for a site for the Spring Session, scheduled for
June 6, 1998.  If your group might be interested, please contact me.

I plan to step down as Chancellor next June, so if you are interested in
becoming my successor, now is the time to contact me.  I'll be happy to
discuss the duties involved in running University.

I hope to see many of you on November 8.

Your servant,

Mistress Deirdre O'Siodhachain

The Fall session of the University of Atlantia will be hosted by the Canton of Misty Marsh by the Sea on November 8, 1997 on the grounds of Francis Marion University.  Session 43 will offer classes of the diversity and excellence students have come to expect.  There will be a total of 72 hours of classroom and workshop instruction in addition to teaching of heavy weapons and rapier skills in an outdoor setting.

The following catalog is as complete as I can make it in advance based on publication deadlines.  This is being written at the end of August.  Should there be changes to the catalog, I will do my best to see they are posted on the University's home page. The address is www.pbm.com/~lindahl/atlantia/university_atlantia.html.

Your servant,

Mistress Deirdre O'Siodhachain, Chancellor


Students are encouraged to preregister.  Most classes have space the day of University, but those with limited seating tend to fill up early.  Guarantee your spot by filling out the enclosed registration form and mailing it to the Registrar, Countess Elizabeth Beaufort, as listed on the form.  Please make sure your information is as complete as possible and that a check for all applicable fees is included. Make checks out to University of Atlantia/SCA Inc. If registering the day of University, materials fees are paid directly to the instructor.  Limited preregistration by e-mail will be allowed during October 19-31, 1997 and will not be accepted prior to that time.  E-mail registration is allowed only for those classes that do not have a materials fee.  The e-mail should include the same information as requested on the registration form.  If the e-mail registration is deemed incomplete, the Registrar will not be obliged to add your name to the class roster, so please be careful.  Send e-mail inquiries to AtlantiaU@aol.com.  Include your name (both SCA and modern), address, whether this is your first university, and whether you intend to have the lunch sponsored by Misty Marsh.  

Site Restrictions:

There are few site restrictions except those dictated by common sense and courtesy.  Please wear appropriate period clothing and conduct yourself in manner consistent with the honor and good name of Atlantia. I apologize, but the site has said merchants will not be allowed. 


The Canton is offering a lunch at a modest price as a fundraiser.  If you plan to have lunch on-site, please mark the check box on your registration form so an accurate headcount can be obtained. The last time a host group provided lunch at a University, it nearly ran out of food because they could not accurately gauge the demand.  As a courtesy to our hosts, do not let this happen again.  There are also a number of restaurants fairly close by (both fast food and sit-down).  A list of restaurants and directions will be available at the University.


Crash space is limited.  Contact the autocrat, Sir Christian Darmody (Clint Darby) at (803)332-2324, if you need crash space.  For those who intend to stay at commercial lodgings, Misty Marsh has arranged for a group rate at the Sleep Inn on Highway 52 at I-95 (exit 164) in Florence, SC. The rate is $46/night with up to four in a room.  Each additional person over 4 will be $5 each.  All rooms have a microwave, coffee maker, refrigerator, and hair dryer.  The price also includes a free continental breakfast.  Their telephone number is (803)662-8558. Identify yourself as with the SCA when making your reservation to get the reduced rate.  


To the site:  Take your best route to I-95 and Florence, SC.  Take exit 170 for Hwy 327, heading south.  (This is four lanes--north is only two.) There are signs on the Interstate for Francis Marion University and Myrtle Beach.  Go 5 miles to the first stop light (do not include the blinking caution light).  Hwy 327 turns left, intersecting with Hwy 301 and Hwy 76.  This area is usually heavily patrolled, so watch your speed.   Proceed about 1.5 miles to the next light.  Turn right.  The college is then on your left.  Use Gate 2 or Gate 3 and park in Lot A or Lot E.  The buildings we are using are connected by a breezeway on the ground floor. 

To the hotel:  Take your best route to I-95 and Florence, SC and take exit 164. Go north toward Darlington.  The motel is less than 1/2 mile from the interchange and is on the right behind the Shoney's.  There are numerous restaurants and other lodgings in this area.

The Catalog 

There will be six hours of rapier instruction in an outdoors setting.  Specific information on class offerings will be available at University.

10:00 a.m.

Basic Inkle Weaving (2 hours) - Anna Ridley
Class limit - 10
Materials fee - $15

Learn to warp and weave on an inkle loom, a discussion of how to draft basic patterns.  The instructor will build looms and provide materials for a starter project at cost.

Beginning Doumbek (1 hour) - Efenwealt Wystle

Basic techniques and beats beyond Beledi.

Beginning Illumination (1 hour) - Luisa O'Reilly

An overview of getting started included discussion on layout technique and supply needs.

Coursing Greyhounds (1 hour) - Kari Kyst 

The theory and practice of running sight hounds to a lure.

Designing an SCA Name Using the Rules for Submission  (1 hour) - Rhiannon ui Neill

Submission work with regard to designing names and naming practices in the SCA.

History of the World Part II (1 hour) - Thomas Smith of Ayr
Handout fee - $1 (proceeds to be donated to The Oak)

Two fun-filled, intellectually stimulating hours of interactive seminar covering the bumpy road that was Europe's lot after 1066 until the end of the Middle Ages. Tales of violence, pestilence, intrigue and technological, political, and economic revolutions abound.

Leatherworking Workshop (all day) - Damon Argent
Materials fee - $25 if making a bottle, otherwise free to observers

This session will concentrate on  Costrels (sand formed wax hardened leather bottles). The instructor will show them in various stages as it takes more than a day to dry. If any one wishes to try to construct one,  materials will be available. This will include full documentation and plans.

Marshal Training (2 hours) - Richard Fitzgilbert

A presentation by the kingdom Earl Marshal for all heavy weapons marshals and fighters. The classroom session will be followed by an afternoon outdoor practice specifically focused on training for good interaction between marshals and fighters. 

Masters of Defense (1 hour) - Alan of Gravesend

Middling Sort I (1 hour) - Alisoun MacCoul of Elphane

An introduction to everyday life of the middle class in Italy in the 14th and 15th centuries.

Sixteenth Century Bobbin Lace (2 hours) - Francesca la Curiosa
Class limit - 6 new students (although experience lacemakers are welcome to sit in)
Materials fee - $20 for a starter kit which includes everything necessary for a beginner

Learn hands-on the fine craft of making bobbin lace.  Some history, but mostly technique.

Wrapped Buttons (1 hour) - Aileen McDonagh

How to make cloth buttons -- the perfect and inexpensive finishing touch -- as seen in Janet Arnold's Patterns of Fashion.

11:00 a.m.

Basic Blazonry (1 hour) - Eldred Aelfwald

Have you every said, "Gee, I sure would like a device," but don't know how to design one? Here are the rules to follow.

Insular Miniscule (1 hour) - Genevieve D'Evreux

How to letter with this early period celtic script.  Discussion to include basic and more decorative forms and appropriate illumination styles. Bring a broad point calligraphy pen, if possible.

Linenfold Carving of the Elizabethan Era (1 hour) - Nicholas Trent

Linenfold carving was popular throughout the Elizabethan era for decorating both furniture and panelling. Visit a cabinet maker's shop and see how easy linenfold carving can be to produce. The attending journeyman will demonstrate how to use the appropriate tools to create a variety of linenfold designs, from the easy to the complex.

Making Wound Glass Beads Lecture and Demo (1 hour) - Caitlin Cheannlaidir

An introduction to and demonstration of the techniques to make wound glass beads.  This class is open to all.  Individual sessions for beginners and intermediate students will be held in the afternoon and appointments for them should be made with the instructor following class.  There will be a small materials fee for the individual sessions.

The Medieval Warhorse (1 hour) - Beatrice Brandon 

A discussion of the breeds, training methods, and equipment of the warhorse.

The Middling Sort II (1 hour) - Alisoun MacCoul of Elphane

An introduction to everyday life in the middle class in Northern Europe in the late medieval period.

Twelfth Century Anglo-Norman Fashion (1 hour) - Arawynn of Ravenhall

Some fashion examples for men and women will be presented with a structured presentation of the look of the period.

1:30 p.m.

Bad Kings: History and Perceptions (1 hour) - Lyanna ferch Gwynhelek 

A look at Edward II and Richard III of England and why they were considered bad kings  in spite of equally appalling behavior on the part of some of their predecessors and descendants.

A Brief History of the Theater (1 hour) - Ylsa Broussard 

A short look at the progression of theater from the Greek festivities to the Globe.

Animal Blazonry (1 hour) - Eldred Aelfwald

Rampant, Statant, Contourney, ... What does it all mean? The various heraldic positions for beasts, birds, and other creatures will be explained in full.

Cooking in the Great Outdoors (1 hour) - Stefan of Caer Mear 

How to cook a feast outdoors without modern  materials. Firemaking for cooking and baking emphasized using a Pennsic meal plan as a basis for planning and preparation..

Easy Period Headgear for Ladies (1 hour) - Ginevra de' Rossi

Examples of simple head coverings for women such as "Juliet" caps and 14th c. templers.

Fighters' Fitness (2 hours) - Magdelena de Hazebrouck

A workshop to access personal fitness for fighters and how to train safely.

A Guide to Period Soapmaking (1 hour) - Aodh Adendra Marland

A survey of the sources and techniques for the domestic manufacture of soaps.

History of Needle Lace - Lecture and Practicum (2 hours) - Deirdre of Boolteens (Charlene Noto)
Class limit - 15

The class presents both the historical background and hands-on experience for learning about Italian needlepoint lace. Materials and handouts are provided to complete a lace example and to incorporate the class information into your own work. The class will learn to make two-tiered scalloped edging with further instructions for creating reticella or punto di aria.  Embroidery experience is helpful but not required.

Making Would Glass Beads - Beginner's Workshop
Limit - 8 timeslots
Materials fee $6

This will be a chance to try, hands-on, the lampworking technique for making wound glass beads.   Wound glass beads are found throughout the Middle Ages,  and using lampworking one can duplicate almost any type of wound bead.  Sign up for half-hour slots to try it yourself (exact time established on-site the day of University).  Hands-on participants are asked to bring safety  glasses if they have them.  Everything else will be provided.  There is a $6 fee for hands-on materials and handouts, although it may be waived it for those  who are fascinated but impoverished.  In addition, information will be available about La Compagnia dei Maestri del Vetro, the newly formed Glassworkers' Guild.

Pinked, Buttoned, Tasseled, and Trimmed (1 hour) - Jenny Winslow

Come for a hands-on look at a variety of ways to decorate the clothing of the Elizabethan middle class.  The class will review many samples of fabrics, braids, and trims, as well as hand-made buttons and tassels followed by a discussion of appropriate tools and materials.

Vines and Acanthus Leaves (1 hour) - Rebecca the Contrary

Simple ways to draw or paint either.

2:30 p.m.

Carving the Beast (1 hour) - Robear de Beroulf 

How to properly carve meats for the feast table.

Commedia dell'Arte (1 hour) - Ylsa Broussard 

A hands-on look at the characters and scenarios of the commedia. Active participation by students is requested, but not required.

Downward Mobility in Clothing Styles (1 hour) - Instructor TBA

How the middle class in period adapted the clothing styles of their betters and how you can do the same.

Elizabethan Pursestringes and Poyntes (1 hour) - Chriemhild von Regensburg 

Learn to make poyntes for lacing bodieces and frogs for fastening surcoats using the simple fingerloop braiding technique.  Thread will be provided, but you are welcome to bring your own.

Matching Period Illumination Styles to Personas (1 hour) - Allasondrea de Fano

What style of illumination is appropriate for which type of persona?

Pronunciation of Italian (1 hour) - Ginevra de' Rossi

How to pronouce Italian with a special focus for heralds and Italian personas.

Soapstone-mould Casting (1 hour) - Dafydd ap Gwystl 
Class limit - 15
Materials fee - $1

Practicum on pewter casting in soapstone moulds.

Surviving Court (1 hour) - Eldred AElfwald

How to survive gaffes, tongue-twisters and horrid scroll texts in court.  Also, an overview of basic court etiquette, set up and acceptable presentations.

3:30 p.m.

Autocratting 101 (1 hour) - Terafan Greydragon and Thomas Smyth of Ayr	
Handout fee:  $2

The instructors will teach the fine art of having fun as an autocrat based upon their own extensive experience.  The class will cover techniques of organization from start to finish, including initial planning, establishing and keeping a budget, determining costs, keeping feasts in budget, and how to put it all together.  The handout will be an autocrat's handbook.  Quantities will be limited based on preregistration.

Celtic Knotwork for the Non-artist  (2 hours) - Aelfred of Cres 
Required materials: pen and/or pencil, graph paper

This class will introduce the non-artists to the dot method of celtic knotwork. Basic construction, design and scroll layout will be covered. A list of sources will be provided.

Death from a Distance Forum (2 hours) - Steafan O'Reilly 

A discussion of current rules and regulations, armor standards, and authorization, combat arrows, and field tactics.

Documentation (1 hour) - Aileen McDonaugh

What it is and what it is for.  Includes a group exercise in how to document different types of arts for competition.

Elizabethan Broadside Ballads (1 hour) - Gregory Blount 

Learn authentic ballads from the 16th century.

Elizabethan Makeup (2 hours) - Isobel Gildingwater 

A hands-on class that shows how to achieve the complete Elizabethan Courtly Appearance, demonstrated on a victim, er, volunteer from the class.  Covers the period materials used and safe modern substitutes for
them, and an overview of beauty standards of the time.  Not for the faint-hearted!

Heraldry for Children (1 hour) - Instructor TBA

Doing an heraldic demo for kinds at a school? Or have a spare hour for your children's activities? Come get ideas and instruction on how to introduce children to heraldry and keep their interest.

Making Would Glass Beads - Intermediate Workshop (2 hours)

This is an open session for intermediate student to discuss and explore ways to enhance their work.

The Middle Class Kitchen in England and France (1 hour) - Alisoun MacCoul of Elphane

An introductory guide to middle class cookery and its tools as described in period sources.

Musical Notation Oddities (1 hour) - Robyyan Torr d'Elandris

This class will discuss how to read and understand some of the unusual notation that appears in music scores associated with early music.  Students must have basic music reading skills, but there will be no sight-reading required.

Narrow Band Weaving (2 hours) - Lasair Burke

A basic discussion and comparison of Inkle Weaving, Rigid Heddle Weaving and Tablet Weaving. 
Students are encouraged to bring looms with works in progress.  We can discuss any problems and
share designs etc.

4:30 p.m.

Chant (1 hour) -  Gregory Blount

Learn about a musical form much neglected in our Current Middle Ages. After a short introduction to chant notation, we will learn a chant and then work on blending our voices.

Herbal Lore (1 hour) - Madeleine d'Angers 

A class taught in persona about the uses of herbs in healing and for cosmetic purposes.

Kumihimo or Japanese Braids (1 hour) - Celrin 
Class limit - 6
Materials fee - $5

Learn to make two different braids suitable for many uses.  Traditionally done on a wooden stand, but students will work with a cardboard loom.

Period Sports (1 hour) - Torquil MacTaggert

A study of period sports and how they relate to modern games.

Stitches Fit for a Queen (1 hour) - Branwen Wallis
Class limit - 6
Materials fee - $5

Learn to make this beautiful, textural stitch that was very popular in Elizabethan embroidery using silk threads on linen fabric. If time allows the instructor will discuss other types of stitches and threads.