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Re: new Golden Dolphin Herald

Poster: Dave Montuori <damont@wolfstar.com>

Scripsit Kendrick:
> So, does this mean you now need a new Kraken Herald? :-)
> (For those who don't know, I believe the Kraken Herald is in charge of
> commenting on out of kingdom submissions for the COA.)

Not necessarily. The Kraken position was vacant for some time before I was
named to it. Master Allyn had held it after he stepped down as Triton, but
he left the College of Arms at least 2 years before I became Kraken.

In addition, it is not necessary to be Kraken to be a commentor for the
CoA from Atlantia. In addition to myself, we have Mistress Alisoun (though
she's officially Laurel Staff) alias Sea Urchin, and Lord Hrodbeorht as
Drekkar, and before that Jaelle was commenting under the Argent Snail
moniker. I wonder what happened to her. :-)

Anyone who is interested in doing commentary should contact Rhiannon, and
perhaps Jaelle as well, for the relevant information.


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