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Re: University Catalog

Poster: Sallie Montuori <foxdale@wolfstar.com>

> >     For those of us that can't get any use out of the attached file,
> >     can somebody repost the University Catalog as text?
> >     
> >     With thanks,
> >     
> >     Ld. Jonathan Blackbow
> >     Clan O'Shannon
> Did you see a different message than I did?  Mine was ALL text, no
> attachments...very strange.
> Alanna

The difference is in your mail readers.  His said, "Nice chunk of
mail, but I don't do attachments."  Mine said, "Nice chunk of mail;
wanna see the attachment?"  Yours said, "Nice big chunk of mail," and
didn't tell you anything you didn't strictly need to know.

   Alys of Foxdale        | Vert, on a fess between three trees
foxdale@wolfstar.com      |     argent, a fox passant gules.

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