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Re: Univeristy

Poster: viking@groupz.net (Doug Munitz,Sven Olafssen;Maria Munitz)

>Poster: DebSiobhan@aol.com
>On the subject of University folks write...
>>> I would like to make a suggestion that the Spring Univeristy be 
>>> closer to Virginia.   It's very hard for some of us to travel all the 
>>> way to SC just for a day when we work up here
>> You ought to try living in Georgia, S. Carolina and having to go NORTH to
>> virginia and maryland almost exclusively for university in the last few
>> years. 
>Please remember the Mistress Deirdre (as all chancellors) relies on groups to
>volunteer to host the University.  If no one volunteers the chancellor has to
>hunt up a group and if they happen to live up north that means it happens up
>north.  I suggest that if you would like to see University come close to
>home, find a place for it!

You're making the assumption that southern groups haven't made bids.  They
have.   Granted the majority live up north, so it makes sense to have  more
up there, but not to forget those of us down here.  We are very grateful to
Mistress Deirdre down here.  Also, at times it has been posted which region
it will be held , such as the next one which will be held in the north.  If
it's so hard to find a northern group to host a University, then maybe the
central and southern groups should go ahead and submit bids anyway.
Lady G 

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