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Poster: Falcone al Rasool ibn Muhajir <falcone@bellsouth.net>


>Principalities is not a dirty word.  A principality is a reasonable
>solution to the downside of the growth of the SCA and the kingdom.  It
>isn't a question of _whether_ we should have principalities.  It is a
>question of _when_.

>Dafydd ap Gwystl, who loves Atlantia

Pay heed to the wisdom of a voice crying in the wilderness!

Change, especially in the SCA, is hard to accept sometimes.  Yet, as we
do grow, it becomes more and more obvious that change is a good thing. 
So......the question is when.  As I have seen this issue approached on a
local level, I have a few views about "when".

When doesn't have to happen when everyone is ready for it, but it must
not happen if the Kingdom won't support it.  Otherwise, rampant
nastiness occurs.  I know this because I have seen the rampant nastiness
in all its splendor.;)

There is no doubt that the north or the south could support a
Principality, especially if the Kingdom was behind it and cheering them
on.  The experineced officers reside in both areas, there are Royal
Peers and Peers in both areas, there are strong pockets of activity in
both areas, doo-dah doo-dah.  BUT, it does us no good to evolve to this
point if the Kingdom does this through turmoil and chaos. 
Principalities should be born to happy parents(we know this from the
experience of others).  The arguing and juxtapositioning that will
happen in choosing a name, heraldry, etc. is quite minor compared to
what we'll deal with if the kingdom gets split on the basis of opinion
and not principality.

Like the very reasonable Earl Daffffffffyd(I keep for getting how many
"f"'s are in his name, so I overdo it;), I agree that there are changes
a comin'.  We just have to be able to discuss it without holding each
other responsible for not agreeing with one side or the other.  Then, as
that environment grows, it will be easier and much more advantageous to
the kingdom when it does happen.

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