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Re: gay gordon??

Poster: Christoph or Kat Hintze <chhintze@bmd.clis.com>

At 12:50 PM 9/5/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Poster: Sallie Montuori <foxdale@wolfstar.com>
>> Poster: PDRUSS@aol.com
>> ...Is there a dance called the "Gay Gordon", I seem to
>> remember you swept across the floor from one end of the room to the other and
>> on the trip back the lady revolved under the man's up held arm. Does this
>> sound familiar to anyone? We were at an Oldenfeld event in Trimaris at the
>> time. 
>> Tamara
>The tune is Gay Gordons, better known as Scotland the Brave (or
>Scotland's Depraved ;) and the dance is commonly referred to as Dance
>of the Isles.

Actually, I know at least TWO dances that fit the description.  The first
one I learned, in the Middle Kingdom, was Road to the Isles, which is done
to the tune of Scotland the Brave. (I have since done it in Atlantia as
well, so it's down here.)  According to the Rose & Nefr Dance Manual,
published in the Mid, "The SCA Road to the Isles combines two Scottish
Country Dances, Road to the Isles and Gay Gordons."

The other, a completely different dance to completely different music (but
with similar steps), was taught to me by a lady from Merides and is called
Gay Gordons.

A charming little manual called "Draft Dance Notes" that I downloaded from
the web sometime last fall and forgot to label the source of lists among
"International/folk Dances" something called Gae Gordons, which is different
yet (and has no accompanying music).

Since I don't have any experience with dance in Trimaris, I have no idea
whether the dance you recall is Road to the Isles or some variant of Gay
Gordons, but you are assuredly thinking of a real dance that is probably
still done in the SCA.

Lady Kat
(Who cherishes memories of dancers in the Midrealm clearing the hall out
from under lingering feasters so that we'd have more time to dance.......)

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