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Re: gay gordon??

Poster: jerobbins@pobox.com (James Robbins)

On Fri, 5 Sep 1997 08:47:22 -0400 (EDT), Tamara (PDRUSS@aol.com) wrote:

>I haven't been active the the SCA for a few years and am just getting back
>into it. I came across some photos from a few years ago. One is of me and a
>friend doing a dance I remember as the "Gay Gordon" but I'm not sure if my
>memory is that good. Is there a dance called the "Gay Gordon", I seem to
>remember you swept across the floor from one end of the room to the other and
>on the trip back the lady revolved under the man's up held arm. Does this
>sound familiar to anyone? We were at an Oldenfeld event in Trimaris at the

I've seen Gay Gordon done two different ways. In Meridies it's a line dance with the couples going back and forth along the hall. On some of the repeats the women (or men on long dances :) turn in circles. It was performed as a marathon dance - the dancers attempted to outlast the musicians (or the tape player).

My wife started in the Midrealm and I believe that the version that she knew is performed in a circle. I think that the music is the same.

There is also a dance called Road to the Aisles which is danced to the music Scotland the Brave. While many of the steps are similar, Road to the Aisles is a completely separate dance.


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