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Re: Principalities and Population

Poster: "Greg Lindahl" <lindahl@pbm.com>

> The East should have been spawning a principality every 5 years starting
> 20 years ago.  If it had done that, it would not be the impersonal place
> it is now, where 90% of the people don't know more than a half-dozen
> people from outside their state. 

I'm not sure if I see the East Kingdom the same way you do -- I have a
bunch of friends in the EK who all seem to fall in the 10% who know
more than a half-dozen people outside their state. I have heard that
EK peers have been having a problem keeping up with the watchlist
because there's apparently less travel, but that's something that's
made worse by forming principalitites.

Gregory Blount, who goes to a few EK events a year
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