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Re: Recipe Needed

Poster: mn13189@WCUVAX1.WCU.EDU

On Wed, 10 Sep 1997, Tom Brady wrote:

> At 11:31 AM 9/10/97 -0400, Michael Limner, Esq. wrote:
> >A coworker of mine is interested in obtaning a recipe for...
> >
> >sekanjamen... skanjimen... seka... (aw forget it, mint tea)
> It's in Cariadoc's Miscellany at Gregory Blunt's site, specifically:
> http://www.pbm.com/~lindahl/cariadoc/drinks.html#2

I also posted the recipe to the Merry Rose a few weeks ago, so it should
be in the archives.  I have it at home, so if all else fails, e-mail me
privately and I'll give it to you.

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