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Re: Recipe Needed

Poster: rmhowe <magnusm@ncsu.edu>

Michael Surbrook wrote:
> Poster: Michael Surbrook <susano@access.digex.net>
> Until the Merry Rose does Michael Limner send greetings,
> A coworker of mine is interested in obtaning a recipe for...
> sekanjamen... skanjimen... seka... (aw forget it, mint tea)
> Does anyone have one they can send me, or a web adress where I can don
> load one?
> Thank you,
> Michael Limner, esq

I think there was a big discussion of just that subject in the last
month on the Rialto. There were several recipes. Cariadoc seems to
have some in his Miscellany

                              M. Magnus Malleus
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